Your life is an irreplaceable gift to us all. Baby, you were taken out of this life way too soon. This was a very, very tragic accident. You are such a beautiful, beautiful, person. This beauty, wisdom and love from within yourself allowed you to live a full and free life on this earth. You taught us all so much. We can never say "now you can dance and run" or "now you are free" because baby, you were free and did live a free and full life. You danced at every dance, you played soccer and baseball, you were a cheerleader, a girl scout, you had heelys and a scooter, you went one every ride I would let you, you went to sleep away camp and girl scout camp, you excelled at school and you loved everyone and everything in your life. Baby, you lived your life. You were a role model to me and many others. You carried yourself always with the love, grace and wisdom beyond your years, but at the same time never forgetting that you were a child, coming into becoming a young lady. You lived that life also. You did an excellent job on your speech about sleep away camp in front of over 100 people at the MDA fundraiser. I cannot say "Now you are at peace" for my Maria, you always were at peace.
I can only say I hope that now you are at peace from this terrible, terrible accident that happened, and Grandma and Grandpa are there to be with you. Your life was so, so full of your friends, you activities, your school, your family and most of all YOUR LOVE. Your life Maria is truly a tribute to love, life and living.